Ground covers Utilising native grassland species in Australian viticulture, a ‘how to’ guide and managing expectations

Fact Sheet
Utilising native grassland species in Australian viticulture

NikkiGrasses and forbs, Insectary, Midrow, Multispecies, Native plants, Perennials, Fact sheets, Fact sheets, Fact Sheets on BPMG Page

A ‘how to’ guide and managing expectations By Andrew Randell Fairney, Seeding Natives IncorporatedAbout this fact sheet Native grasses and forbs are a great option for mid-row, under-vine, headlands, and adjacent land. But you must know what to do, how to do it and what to expect.DOWNLOAD FACT SHEET

Functional biodiversity solutions for Australian vineyards

Fact Sheet
Functional biodiversity solutions for Australian vineyards

NikkiAnnuals, Arthropods, Grasses and forbs, Insectary, Introduced plants, IPM and biocontrol, Native plants, Perennials, Pests, Predators, Fact sheets, Fact sheets, Fact Sheets on BPMG Page

By Prof. Geoff Gurr and Dr Jian Liu, Charles Sturt UniversityAbout this fact sheet A selection of novel ground cover species was evaluated for vineyard use in the Wine Australia funded project ‘Functional biodiversity solutions for Australian vineyards: harnessing ground covers, vineyard surrounds and native plants to deliver key ecosystem services’ Project number: CSU 1702-8 conducted by Charles Sturt University. …

EcoVineyards Fact Sheet Ground Cover - Insights on flowers and forbs from Western Australia

Fact Sheet
Insights on wildflowers and forbs from WA

adminAnnuals, Grasses and forbs, Insectary, Midrow, Multispecies, Native plants, Perennials, Fact sheets, Fact sheets, Fact Sheets on BPMG Page

By Keith Smith, Formosa Flora, and Dr Mary Retallack, Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd with input from Craig Neild, Tim Saggers and Dr Todd EricksonAbout this fact sheet The beauty and functionality of native Australian wildflowers. Native Australian wildflowers produce significant pollen for insects, including bees, and are sought after by a multitude of insect species, with lacewing and spider populations …

EcoVineyards Fact Sheet making compost tea

Fact Sheet
Preparation for making good thermal, aerobic compost for brewing compost tea

adminBiostimulants, Compost, Microbes, Soil carbon, Fact sheets, Fact sheets, Fact Sheets on BPMG Page

By Dr Mary Retallack, Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd Based on the methods of Dr Elaine Ingham, Soil Food Web, and Dr Mary Cole, Agpath Pty LtdAbout this fact sheet Good quality compost tea, teems with beneficial microbes and can be brewed from good quality, thermal, fungal dominated compost. The preparation of high quality compost is important to ensure the brewed …