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March 25, 2025Winegrape growers are planting a diverse mix of low-growing native ground covers to improve the functional capacity, resilience, and profitability of their vineyards.
February 25, 2025Internationally renowned scientist, agro-ecologist and third generation viticulturist Dr Mary Retallack will keynote the event as the WSU Ravenholt Lecturer.
February 24, 2025We are thrilled to announce that EcoVineyards founder and national manager Dr Mary Retallack has been honoured with the an Active Citizenship award by the Adelaide Hills Council
December 10, 2024Even in one of the driest years South Australia has seen, the wildflowers and native grasses planted at Skillogalee Estate, in the Clare Valley region, have thrived. Skillogalee's winemaker Kerri Thompson (KT) is "gobsmacked" at just how well the natives have done, especially the Western Australian everlasting daisies.
December 4, 2024Proving you don’t have to pick one passion when you plan your career, Mary Retallack is a Viticulturist, Agroecologist and Managing Director of viticultural consultancy Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd. She also founded and runs the National EcoVineyards Program.
August 29, 2024Dr Mary Retallack, Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd discusses her role as a viticulturist and agroecologist to demonstrate the diversity of roles available in and around the vineyard and throughout the wine value chain for the next generation looking for an exciting role in the wine community.
August 29, 2024Gardening Australia visited EcoVineyards and Retallack Viticulture HQ, to share how we can grow in harmony with nature and how ecological principles apply not only to vineyards but all production areas including backyard veggie patches.
December 14, 2023In a world increasingly focused on sustainable practices and environmental stewardship, few stand out in Australia’s viticulture industry like Dr Mary Retallack.
December 12, 2023Source: Wine Australia
November 30, 2023In Australia, Winemakers Are on the Forefront of Mitigating Climate Change ... “There is now widespread momentum from wineries large and small to examine the dirt beneath their feet. Programs like EcoVineyards, funded by Wine Australia, the industry’s national organizing body, help growers set concrete goals to enhance biodiversity, reduce the need for herbicides through biocontrols like predatory insects and increase the use of mulch and cover crops.” Read full article here
November 17, 2023Bec Willson from Bremerton Wines features in Wine Australia news, discussing why she chose to become an EcoGrower, what she has accomplished so far and where to from here.. Read more here
November 16, 2023Last Thursday night, our very own Dr Mary Retallack was one of 20 outstanding nominees to be inducted into the South Australian's Women's Honour Roll for 2023. Mary was recognised as a champion of environmental stewardship practices in the winegrape growers' community, and also celebrating her contributions to the wine sector over nearly 30 years. Much of her environmental and ecological focus has been dedicated to assisting wine growers via the EcoVineyards program in recent years. The Honour Roll list is released every two years, recognising the achievements of women within our community, and we celebrate Mary as she now joins the long list of remarkable, inspirational South Australian women. Read more here To find out more about the Women's Honour Roll and the other outstanding nominees click here
June 7, 2023Dr Retallack wins the Innovation award at the SA Environment Awards night, held on Monday 5 June 2023
June 5, 2023Dr Mary Retallack has been nominated for championing ecological restoration in and around production systems, particularly in vineyards through the establishment of the National EcoVineyards Program.
May 24, 2023The National EcoVineyards Program features in the May issue of Wine Australia's Research and Innovation News and will be published as part of the next R&D at Work in the June Grapegrower and Winemaker
May 16, 2023Join us in digging for earthworms 🪱
April 10, 2023News
Media Release – From the ground up: new program to improve vineyard biodiversity and soil healthWine Australia has announced a new three-year $2.2 million regionally-based program that will support winegrape growers to plant cover crops, enhance soil health and increase functional biodiversity in vineyards around the country. -
August 10, 2022Landcare Australia has announced the three finalists for the prestigious 2022 Bob Hawke Landcare Award today- all outstanding leaders and innovators in a diverse range of landcare projects.
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