Peter Foster, Bay of Shoals, Kangaroo Island, Eco-Grower participant in the EcoVineyards project.

Meet the EcoGrowers 2019 to 2023
Peter Foster
Bay of Shoals

adminGrower profiles, Kangaroo Island, Kangaroo Island

1. Tell us about your experience in grape growing?

My experience covers most aspects of viticulture for several years, mainly as a vineyard hand on and off.

2. What prompted you to want to be involved in the EcoVineyards project?

The owner of Bay Of Shoals Wines expressed an interest in the project.

3. What do you hope to achieve from your involvement in the EcoVineyards project?

We hope to use less chemicals to control weeds and insects, establish wildlife corridors and encourage sustainability.

4. Have you tried to increase biodiversity on your property before undertaking this project? If so, how?

No. We are new to this.

5. Why do you think it is so important for growers to try and build natural resilience on their property?

  • To create a more sustainable future for the property.
  • Less impact environmentally.
  • A better product and experience for consumers.​

6. Looking to the future, what do you see as a new ‘normal’ for grape growers on their properties?

To consider the environment more, including water resources.