Mary Retallack podcast –Program Partners

EcoVineyards Are Uniting Project Partners to Grow Resilience and Functional Biodiversity | 2022 National Landcare Conference

adminGrasses and forbs, Insectary, IPM and biocontrol, Mammals including microbats, Midrow, Multispecies, Native plants, Perennials, Predators, Shrubs, Undervine, Webinars, Podcasts & Webinars

Dr Retallack presented at the 2022 National Landcare Conference.

Learn more about a suite of native insectary plants that grow resilience and enhance functional biodiversity in production systems, and how the EcoVineyards project is generating multiple, measurable and tangible benefits including biodiversity enhancement, native vegetation cover, biological control of grapevine pests, improved soil health, habitat for endangered birds, microbats and reptiles and improved landscape aesthetics.