Functional biodiversity solutions for Australian vineyards

Fact Sheet
Functional biodiversity solutions for Australian vineyards

NikkiAnnuals, Arthropods, Grasses and forbs, Insectary, Introduced plants, IPM and biocontrol, Native plants, Perennials, Pests, Predators, Fact sheets, Fact sheets, Fact Sheets on BPMG Page, BPMG Ground Cover

By Prof. Geoff Gurr and Dr Jian Liu, Charles Sturt University

About this fact sheet

A selection of novel ground cover species was evaluated for vineyard use in the Wine Australia funded project ‘Functional biodiversity solutions for Australian vineyards: harnessing ground covers, vineyard surrounds and native plants to deliver key ecosystem services’ Project number: CSU 1702-8 conducted by Charles Sturt University. This factsheet summarises findings for three of the most promising groundcovers; the introduced species alyssum and buckwheat, and the native species creeping boobialla.
